20/01 Le Parc Tiers Lieu Dieulefit, Drome France
06/02 Interview by Aya Baya ( Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium)
07/02 EMERGANZA Festival 2024, Paris France
12/02 Interview Radio Active
21/02 Arttip Music, Paris France
24/02 Avenue Music, Paris France
07/03 La Dame Canton, Paris France
21/03 Victoria Station, Méré France
31/03 Jury at Jeux Inter Sciences Po, Dance, Saint Germain en Laye, France
08/04 Cap30, Copenhagen Denmark (Postponed)
08/05 EMERGANZA Demi finale, Paris France
29/06 La BasseCour Festival, France
03/07 Digital Village, Paris France
05/07 Le Baromètre, Grenoble France
06/07 LIVE’AUSSEAU, Boivre-la-Vallée France
14/07 La Fête National, Dieulefit
22/07 T.M Fest, Paris France
25/08 Kapernaumskirken, Denmark
08/09 Haraldskirken, Denmark
15/09 Haraldskirken, Denmark
03/09 KODA Live sessions with Chief 1, Sara Grabow & Marcus Winther-John, Danmark KBH Ø.
06/01 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
06/01 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
13/01 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
13/01 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
20/01 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
20/01 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
25/01 Dance Workshop, Ringsted Ung. (Lørdag)
26/01 Sdr. Alslev Kirke, Denmark
27/01 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
27/01 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
29/01 Dance Class, Ringsted Ung. (Onsdag)
03/02 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
03/02 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
15/02 Pub 53, Denmark
02/03 Act SPORT, Dance Workshop, Denmark
03/03 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
03/03 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
08/03 Showcase at GAME, Street Mekka Denmark
08/03 Showcase at Klub Super, Denmark
10/03 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
10/03 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
17/03 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
17/03 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
24/03 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
24/03 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
31/03 Dance Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
31/03 Music Production Class, KOSMOS Frederikssund (Mandag)
Bu de l’eau Tour 2023
International Tour 2022
Nakiyimba Tour 2021
2020FM Tour 2020 (Cancelled due to COVID)
Recreation! Tour 2019
Tina Mweni & Namaste Tour 2016
MovementaL Tour 2015
EARU France Tour 2014
EARU France Tour 2013
OD – “Diamonds and Rap in Sierra Leone” Tour 2013
Krumping Liberia Tour 2012
Operation Dagsværk – Tour 2012

The Emergenza Festival has expanded beyond Italy, across the Atlantic Ocean to Canada and continues to grow, extending it’s reach to Japan and Australia, reaching thousands during it’s first U.S. season. EMERGANZA also releases compilation albums.

Samedi 20 janvier, 1er concert de cette nouvelle année 2024 au Parc !
Pour l’occasion, soirée Tropical Grooves & Soulful Hip Hop avec Tony Swarez aux platines et Tina Mweni.

Asili Hip hop Festival 2021 Hip-Hop Asili Festival | Facebook
Boun’ Estival 2021 Boun’ Estival
Havne Kultur Festival 2021 Havne Kultur Festival
Afro To The Future, Reading Festival 2021 Afro To The Future
Elles’Fest #1 2019 Festival de Rap/Hip-Hop féminin
Festival Bar Bars 2019 Festival Bar Bars
Festival Le Son De Notre Canebiere 2019 Le Son De Notre Canebiere
We Play Festival 2019 We Play Festival
Festival Freestyle Cup 2019 Freestyle Cup | Facebook
Festival Féte de la Musique 2019 Fête de la Musique | Facebook
Festival Le Street Nécessaire 2019 Le Street Necessaire : 4e édition | Facebook
Festival Hip hop Society 2019 Hip Hop Society | Facebook
Fête de la Moule, Carry-le-Rouet 2018
Festival Jazz des cinq Continent, 2018
Kiff le Jazz grave Mariamas, 2018
Hip hop Society Festival, 2018
Festival MP, 2018
Festival Le Son de Notre Canebière, 2018
Festival Meltin’ Art, 2017
Festival Les Guinguettesd’Akwaba Châteauneuf-de-Gadagne 2017
Festival Regarde Sous Tes Fenêtres Château-Arnoux 2017
Festival Business As Usual, Copenhagen 2017
Festival Lallab Paris 2017
Festiv’ Al Arrache Uuksa, Cergy 2017
Festival Impressions Visuelles & Sonores, Marseille 2017
Festival Only French, Paris 2016
Festival Village Hip-hop, Marseille 2016
Festival Chien à Plumes, Villegusien 2016
Festival Kamenka Open, Czech Republic 2016
Earth Garden Festival, Malta 2016
International Festival L’Emoi Du Jazz, Abidjan 2016
Festival Urban Jam, Chambéry 2016
Festival Regards Croisés, Belgium 2016
Festival Safari Ya Hip hop, Marseille 2016
Festiv’ Al Arrache Uuksa, Cergy 2016
Festival Musi’Queyras, Abries 2016
Festival Jazz au Cam, Strasbourg 2016
Festival Afro-French Connection, Tanzania 2016
Festival Africa Fête, Marseille 2016
Festival By the Sea ~ Orizon Sud, Marseille 2016
Festival Art & Resistance, Aalborg 2015
Festival Impressions Visuelles & Sonores, Marseille 2015
Festival Safari Ya Hip hop, Marseille 2015
Festival Couleur Café, Nørrebrohallen 2015
Festiv’ Al Arrache Uuksa, Cergy 2015
Festival Paris Hip hop , Paris 2014
Festival Jazz des Cinq Continents 2014
Festival Safari ya Hip hop, Marseille 2014
Fiesta DES SUDS, Marseille 2013
Festival Du Soleil, Marseille 2013
Festiv’ Al Arrache Uuksa, Cergy 2013
Waka Waka Festival , Rådhuspladsen 2012
Smag Verden Festival, Copenhagen 2012
Næstved Festival 2012
Gentofte Street Festival 2012
Slagelse Festival 2012
Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Waka Waka Festival , Rådhuspladsen 2011
Start Festival, Vesterbro 2011
Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Broen Festival, Jylland 2010
Vinterlyd Festival, Jylland 2010
Music’all Jazz, Abidjan
Alliance Francaise, Tanzania
Au Camionneur, Strasbourg
Denmark’s Got Talent Finals
Théâtre Marni, Belgium
Théatre Jean Villar, Montpellier Théâtre Jean Vilar
L’Espace Triso, La Seyne sur Mer l’Espace Tiso
Rooftop Les Terrasses du Port
LA SOUTE, Chamberry
La Bellevilloise, Paris
Salle des fêtes de Lille-Fives, Lille
Cabaret Aleatoire, Marseille
LE CLUB, Rodez
Café Plùm, Lautrec
La Bète Noire, Saint-Étienne
Comparses et Sons, Venelles
Cité de la Musique de Marseille
Théâtre 95, Paris
Théâtre Denis, Hyéres
Le Pavillon M
Concert L’Impasse, Toulon
La Maison des métallos, Paris
Pan Pipier, Paris
Les Passagers du Zinc, Avignon
Café Jullien
Covent Garden Studios, Cergy
Parc Edmond Rostand
Mojo Blues Café, Copenhagen
Flakfortet, Island, DK Flakfortet
Le Poste A Galene, France
La Fabrica, France La Fabrica
Le Funiculaire, France, Le Funiculaire
U.Percut, France
Théâtre Les 3acts, France
Dar Lamifa, France
La Machine Pneumatique, France
Pumpehuset, Copenhagen
Jazz, Bar De La Plaine
La Fée Verte, France
Living Arts, France, Living Arts
Ô Petit Monde, Sanary sur Mer Ô Petit Monde
Makeda, France
Mic Your Mind, X-Felt
Petit Patio
La Grange du clos Ambroise La Grange du clos Ambroise
Luna, CPH
Huset i Magstrede